Thursday, February 26, 2009


"Would you like cream or sugar?" I ask.
"Uh huh."
Pour a medium cup and attempt to add sugar.
"I don't want no sugar in there I want that blue stuff."
"Ok." I grab the cream.
"Don't put no milk in there I don't want no milk."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday = Recipe Day


Granita, a traditional treat in Italy and France, is a mixture of sugar, liquid (like fruit juice, coffee or wine) and water that is stirred while freezing.

2 cups lukewarm espresso or double-strength coffee
1/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp. KahlĂșa® or Irish whiskey
1 tsp. lemon zest
1 cup barely sweetened whipped cream
Coffee beans

1. Stir warm coffee, sugar, KahlĂșa and lemon zest together until sugar dissolves. Cool.
2. Pour mixture into 8” square metal baking pan.
3. Freeze mixture until icy around the edges (about 45 minutes). Use a fork to rake the frozen edges toward the center. Repeat the raking several times, until frozen through—about 2 hours total.
4. Cover, keep frozen. Can be made up to 2 days ahead.

To Serve: Use a large spoon or ice cream scoop to mold. Serve in a martini glass, frosted parfait glass or in a small dish. Garnish with a dollop of barely sweetened whipped cream and 3 whole coffee beans.

Serves 4